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Stage Rentals & Television Studios

D S Simon Productions New York, NY 212-736-2727
SEEFOOD MEDIA Kitchen Studios Manhattan, NY 212-228-2200
NEP Studios New York, NY 212-548-7720
NEP Studios New York, NY 212-548-7720
ABC Television Center New York, NY 212-456-3650

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Name Location Phone
ABC Television Center New York, NY 212-456-3650
ADM Productions, Inc. Port Washington, NY 516-484-6900
American Movie Company New York, NY 917-414-5489
Atlantic Television, Inc. New York, NY 212-625-9327
AXA Equitable Production Group New York, NY 212-314-4000
Be Electric Studios Brooklyn, NY 718-484-1466
Broadway Stages Brooklyn, NY 718-349-9146
Brooklyn Fire Proof - Nut Roaster Studios Brooklyn, NY 718-456-7570
Brooklyn Fire Proof Stages Brooklyn, NY 718-456-7571
CBS Broadcast Center New York, NY 212-975-3525
Chapman/Leonard Studios & Production Center Orlando, FL 888-337-8243
Cinema World Studios Brooklyn, NY 718-389-9800
City Stage Production Center New York, NY 212-627-3400
Connecticut Film Center Studios Stamford, CT 203-348-2600
CTL Electronics, Inc. New York, NY 212-233-0754
D S Simon Productions New York, NY 212-736-2727
Douglas House Orangeburg, NY 845-359-1477
EUE / Screen Gems Studios North Wilmington, NC 212-450-1600
Go Studios New York, NY 212-564-4084
Gold Coast Studios Bethpage, NY 516-576-3165
Gramercy Broadcast Center New York., NY 212-614-4088
Grumman Studios Bethpage, NY 516-429-1406
Gum Studios Long Island City, NY 718-350-8694
HBO Studio Productions New York, NY 212-512-7800
Highline Stages New York, NY 212-206-8280
Horvath Studios Nashville, TN (513) 205-1253
Ironbound Film & Television Studios Newark, NJ 973-449-2200
Kaufman Astoria Studios Astoria, NY 718-392-5600
KAY Studios East Providence, RI 401-529-8219
Live X New York, NY 844-GO-LIVEX

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